Ces sponsors prennent en charge le sport canin:

2018 – FCI RCI règlementation

Chers conducteurs canin

La CTUS a reçu de la FCI le texte ci-dessous ainsi que la présentation du nouveau règlement RCI, discutée lors de la réunion du 19.09.2016 à Nova Gorica.
La FCI souhaite rendre ces propositions claires et transparentes. Il est dès lors possible à tous, conducteurs et clubs canins, de faire des propositions jusqu’au 31.01.2017 à la CTUS. (Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser.) La CTUS se charge de les recueillir et de les transmettre le 03.02.2017 à la FCI.


Reinschrift Reglement (règlement)

Präsentation (présentation)



Dear Sportfriends,

In the last meeting of the FCI General Committee, they have also spoken about the proposed adaptations of the 2018 FCI IPO Regulations.

The FCI General Committee has not approved these proposed adaptations. The reason for this:

The FCI General Committe is fully aware of the many reactions on the proposed adaptations and has the opinion that these adaptations, although the delegates has vote in majority for them, have not been clear and transperant for many dogsportclubs and dogsporters in the different countries.

The FCI General Committee's special request to all of us,  is to bring the proposed adaptations for the 2018 FCI IPO Regulations more clear and transperan to the knowlegged of the dogsportclubs/ dogsporters.

In the attachment you will find the power point presentation (also in English) which was showen in the meeting  of 19-09-2016 in Nova Gorica.

At this moment there is no English version of the proposed 2018 FCI IPO Regulations available, but with the power point presentation in English, you clearly and transparent can see all the changes the working group has proposed.

The working group wants to have the reactions of your country at least on 03-02-2017.


Best regards,

Frans Jansen

President FCI Utility Dogs Commission

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